In Canada, more than half a million individuals live with dementia, a number projected to escalate to nearly one million by 2030. To address this trend, fostering multicultural understanding can play a crucial role. To combat this growing epidemic, proactive measures such as public education and lifestyle adjustments are essential.
Hope for Dementia has several programs which target the twelve modifiable risk factors associated with dementia including obesity and diabetes.
Recognizing the diverse culinary traditions and cultural practices of Canadians is important. Food serves as more than mere sustenance; it embodies culture, tradition, and community connection.

Just over a year ago, Hope for Dementia, in collaboration with #People Before Patients and the St. Laurent Volunteer Community Centre (ABC Center), launched the Mindful Eating for Healthy Minds Program. This program will continue for another 3 years thanks to the support of the Gloria Baylis Foundation. As a sustainable intervention, Mindful Eating for Healthy Minds Program is promoting healthy eating and lifestyles, with the aim of mitigating nutrition-related risks of dementia and encouraging social interaction.
Explore Hope for Dementia’s Programs on our website.