Head’s up! Hope for Dementia will be on the world stage!
Hope for Dementia has been selected to present a short video and virtual poster at the Alzheimer’s Disease International’s (ADI) Conference 2024 in Poland, 25-27 April.
The theme of the poster is “Bending the Demetia Growth Curve: A Framework for Prevention, Symptom Deceleration and Reversal at all Levels of Healthcare Systems.“
The presentation will outline a framework with strategies and services that can be delivered cost effectively.
We believe that by focusing on disease prevention and health protection strategies, countries can aim to reduce the growth in the number of persons diagnosed with dementia and therefore better align their healthcare resources and systems with predicted care requirements in the future.
Visit the ADI Conference website and register to participate virtually.
Regularly visit our website and follow Hope for Dementia on social media to see the poster and video that will be published after the conference.