Tackling gendered ageism

Gendered ageism refers to discrimination due to both age and sex/gender. Dementia disproportionately affects women. Women comprise over 60% of persons living with dementia. Nearly two-thirds of caregivers are women. Despite these differences, there are in gaps in the evidence to inform dementia care for women. Women’s Age Lab is working to change this.  Learn…


Aging and genetics are two known risk factors of developing dementia. Although aging and genetics cannot be prevented, a growing body of research evidence exists that identifies 12 potentially modifiable risk factors.  Physical inactivity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, air pollution, head injury, infrequent social contact, less education, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, depression and hearing impairment are the…


Altering the Forecast on the Tsunami of Dementia – A Framework for Prevention, Symptom Deceleration and Reversal Hope For Dementia published a framework advocating for dementia prevention to be a national health care priority. Based on available data, the position taken in this White Paper is that the current trends in growth of the number…