Our monthly newsletter is here!

Hope for Dementia’s monthly newsletter is now available online. The newsletter is filled with the latest news and updates at Hope for Dementia. In the January 2024 edition – Hope for Dementia is looking forward to a year filled with activities throughout the province, and possibly beyond. Stay up-to-date. It’s all just a click away!…

Press Release | Communiqué de presse

Press Release Hope for Dementia has just launched a petition to the Federal Minister of Health asking for dementia prevention to be declared a national health priority.  This can be achieved through the adoption of strategies and services that aim to prevent, decelerate, and reverse the symptoms of dementia, as part of the National Dementia…

Press Release | Communiqué de presse

Hope For Dementia Publishes Framework Advocating Dementia Prevention To Be A National Health Care Priority Read full press release here: https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/hope-for-dementia-publishes-framework-advocating-dementia-prevention-to-be-a-national-health-care-priority-833699380.html Espoir pour la démence publie un cadre de recommandations pour faire de la prévention de la démence une priorité nationale en matière de soins de santé. Lire le communiqué de presse complet ici :…

Hope For Dementia - Tablet Dropoff

One Year Later

One year ago, Canada closed its borders in order to limit the impacts of the newly announced global pandemic. At the same time, the entire world also shut down to prevent the virus from spreading further. Everyone hoped these measures would help us fend off the novel virus and we would be able to return…