Happy Minority Mental Health Awareness Month!

Picture this: Vibrant seniors, who once immigrated to Canada with boundless dreams, now face social isolation and a heightened risk of dementia. But here’s the good news: we can bridge that gap and empower them! Through Hope for Dementia’s innovative Intergenerational Learning Program, we connect these amazing seniors with culturally diverse youth volunteers. This program…

Bridging the generation gap

Quebec Intergenerational Week runs from May 19 to 25, 2024! It’s an opportunity to reinvent links between generations through activities organized throughout Quebec! During Intergenerational Week, Hope for Dementia will be holding an activity at the Place St-Moritz residence on Tuesday, May 21, from 4 to 5 pm. Students will be on hand to help…

Youth and seniors get involved

Dementia affects everybody.  The youth of today will be impacted by dementia, as many of them will become caregivers in the near future.  Hope for Dementia’s Intergenerational Learning Program (ILP) has the dual aim of raising awareness among teenagers and young adults about dementia and of reducing the risks of dementia in the senior population. …

A big win for all of us!

Hope for Dementia is overjoyed! On 15 December, 2023, Hope for Dementia was announced as the winner in Québec in the iA Financial Group Philanthropic Contest! We are deeply grateful to iA Financial Group for this important donation that will expand our Intergenerational Learning Program, which has the dual aim of raising awareness among youth, about dementia…

Take two impactful actions for one cause!

Now is the time to support dementia prevention. To continue our programs, Hope for Dementia needs you. Take two impactful actions for one cause! Help us continue to make a lasting impact through our programs. Help Hope for Dementia continue to make a difference. Take two impactful actions for one cause. Give generously! Vote now!…

Our Intergenerational Program is a hit!

Last week our summer interns said their official goodbyes to the residents of Demeures Sainte-Croix Inc. Over the past 10 weeks, our youth volunteers sat with residents and helped them learn new skills with their electronic tablets. Residents had varying levels of knowledge, but our interns were able to cater to each of their needs.…