At Hope for Dementia, we are expanding the range and reach of our programs!

Starting this summer, we have launched two new programs –
Busy Box. Better Brain. takes an interesting approach to promote dementia prevention. A combination of engaging recreational and educational activities are provided to support the cognitive health of seniors.
Over 75 seniors (and counting) have begun participating in this program far and wide throughout the province of Québec – including Île-de-la-Madeleine, Ste-Adèle, Trois Rivières, the South Shore and Montreal.
Funded by the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québecois d’expression anglaise and deployed through the Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN), the program aims to reduce the risk of cognitive decline among vulnerable seniors who have limited access to services in English in remote areas, through the regular delivery of activity kits, training in digital skills and the distribution of information materials on the prevention of dementia.
The program is being implemented over a 2-year period throughout the province of Québec.
Mindful Eating for Healthy Minds. teaches seniors to eat mindfully to mitigate the risks of dementia, while reducing social isolation through their active participation in group meal preparation.
In August, the program was launched with a few residents at the Demeures Sainte-Croix Residence. The participants came together to prepare a Mediterranean salad.
This week residents received a grocery bag filled with all the ingredients they will need to make the pasta salad at home. They are learning about the benefits of healthy eating, which comes from being mindful of foods selected and how they are prepared. All this to support brain health and the reduction of the risks of dementia.
More than 45 seniors in various residences in Saint-Laurent have signed up and more are expressing a keen interest in participating.
This program is funded by Employment and Social Development Canada’s New Horizon for Seniors Program and a generous grant from the Gloria Baylis Foundation.

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